Thursday, December 10, 1998

Psychological Support and South African TRC

Hamber, B.E. (1998). The Burdens of Truth: An Evaluation of the Psychological Support Services and Initiatives undertaken by the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. American Imago, Volume 55, Number 1, Spring 1998, pp.9-28 [Download]

Thursday, June 25, 1998

Legacy of Impunity: Brazil & South Africa

Hamber, B.E. (1998). Living with the Legacy of Impunity: Lessons for South Africa about Truth, Justice and Crime in Brazil. Latin American Report, Volume 13 (2), July-December, pp. 4-16. Centre for Latin American Studies: University of South Africa [Download]

Wednesday, January 7, 1998

A State of Denial

Theissen, G. & Hamber, B. (1998). A State of Denial: White South Africans' attitudes to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Indicator South Africa, 15(1), Autumn, pp. 8-12 [Download]