Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Victims of Northern Ireland’s Troubled Past Can’t Wait Forever

Hamber, B. (2020). Moment of Truth…Victims of Northern Ireland’s Troubled Past Can’t Wait Forever. Belfast Telegraph, 12 December 2020 [Download]

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Mental Health and Dealing with the Past

O'Neill, S. & Hamber, B. (2020). Response on Mental Health to Dealing with the Past Consultation. Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Consultation on "Addressing the Legacy of Northern Ireland's past: The UK Government's New Proposals". INCORE, University of Ulster. Submitted online 31 May 2020 [Download]

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Historical Institutional Abuse & Transitional Justice

Hamber, Brandon and Lundy, Patricia (2020). Lessons from Transitional Justice? Toward a New Framing of a Victim-Centered Approach in the Case of Historical Institutional Abuse. Victims and Offenders, Victims and Offenders, 15(6), pp.744-770 [Access in the Journal]