Thursday, March 24, 2022

Peace as Betrayal

Verwoerd, W., Little, A., & Hamber, B. (2022). Peace as Betrayal: On the Human Cost of Relational Peacebuilding in Transitional Contexts. International Journal of Transitional Justice,  16(2), 204-219. [Access in Journal] [Download Accepted Version]

A Jozi Love Letter

Hamber, B. (2022). A Jozi Love Letter. Botsotso Magazine, 24 March 2022.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Psychosocial Support and Societal Transformation

Hamber, Brandon ; Martinez, Denis; Stappers, Marlies ; Taylor, David ; Unger, Thomas (2022). Youth, Peace and Security: Psychosocial Support and Societal Transformation. Interpeace: Geneva [Download

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Young Men and Post-conflict Masculinities in Northern Ireland

Hamber, Brandon; Murray, C. (2022). Voices from the Margins: Young men and post-conflict masculinities in Northern Ireland. Interpeace: Geneva [Download